Scholarly Publications
Lanzoni, S. “Imagining and Imaging the Social Brain: The Case of Mirror Neurons” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 33, no.2 Sept. (2016): 447-464.
Lanzoni, S. Introduction, Science in Context, Special Issue: Emotions and the Sciences: Varieties of Empathy in Science, Art and History 25, no. 3 (2012): 287-300.
Lanzoni, S. “Empathy In Translation: Movement and Image in the Psychological Laboratory” Science in Context 25, no. 3, (2012): 301-327.
Lanzoni, S. Practicing Psychology in the Art Gallery: Vernon Lee’s Aesthetics of Empathy” Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 45, no. 4, (2009): 330-354.
Lanzoni, S., Sympathy in Mind, 1873-1900, with a selection of papers from the Mind Project Symposium, Journal of the History of Ideas 70, no. 2 (2009): 265-287.
Lanzoni, S., An Epistemology of the Clinic: Ludwig Binswanger’s Phenomenology of the Other, Critical Inquiry 30 (2003): 160-186.
Lanzoni, S. The Enigma of Subjectivity: Ludwig Binswanger’s Existential Anthropology of Mania, History of the Human Sciences 18, no. 2, (2005): 23-41.
Lanzoni, S., Existential Encounter in the Asylum: Ludwig Binswanger’s 1935 Case of Hysteria History of Psychiatry 15, no. 3 (2004): 285-304.
Lanzoni, Diagnosing Modernity: Mania and Authenticity in Swiss Existential Psychiatry, Configurations 12, no.1 (2004): 107-131.
Katz, R.B. & Lanzoni, S.M. Activation of the phonological lexicon for reading and object naming in deep dyslexia, Brain and Language 58 (1997): 46-60.
Cermak, L.S., Verfaellie, M., Lanzoni, S., Mather, M., Chase, K.A. The Spacing effect on the recall and recognition ability of amnesic patients, Neuropsychology 10, no. 2 (1996): 219-227.
Katz, R.B. & Lanzoni, S.M. Automatic activation of word phonology from print in deep dyslexia. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 45A, no. 4 (1992): 575-608.
Shapiro, L., McNamara, P., Zurif, E., Lanzoni, S., Cermak, L. Processing complexity and sentence memory: Evidence from amnesia. Brain and Language 42 (1992): 431-453.